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who is redefining leadership for you?


share the movement!

Nominate an inspiring leader (or yourself) who is using their influence to make a positive impact on the world.

10 leadership traits of the future.png

We are looking for the kind of leaders who are empathetic, authentic and resilient, with the ability to inspire and empower those around them. Leaders who are innovative and forward-thinking, and who are committed to foster diversity, inclusion and equity in the workplace.


Our goal is to showcase a diverse group of leaders who are driving positive change and creating a more equitable future for all.

nomination process & timeline

submit your nomination

submit your own nomination or nominate a leader of your choice

❗️ prolonged until 06.05.2024

accept the nomination

nominees are asked to share their leadership insights and personal details to accept the nomination

join the conversation

you'll receive personalised material to share your nomination on socials


get selected

together with our advisory board we are selecting the 365+ voices of a new era of leaders

get interviewed

selected leaders will get individual coverage in the lead magazine, on social media, on this website and across billboards in Europe

nominate an individual who is redefining leadership below

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