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let's have an honest conversation about leadership

Share your take on leadership and inspire people from all walks of life and around the world.


Let's talk about the kind of leadership we need in the future for a better world of work.

what this movement is about

When we are asked to think about a leader, many of us see a very similar image: a single authority figure who calls the shots, and is possibly white and male. It's about time we change this perception.

Our mission with this movement is to redefine leadership and showcase the rise of a new generation of leaders. For a more inclusive and equal future of work.

why you should join this movement

lead the conversation

showcase your opinion leadership around the future of work and inspire the next generation

be a rolemodel

"If you see it, you can be it"

inspire the next generation of leaders with your story and leadership insights

get featured

get coverage in the lead magazine, press and social media exposure with your story & insights

build a network

connect with other leaders joining the movement and build an influential network for a lifetime

what leaders are saying


Our future needs leaders that showcase clarity, empathy and empowerment.

Google supports this leadership movement because we do believe the future of leadership has to be more diverse.

Christine Antlanger-Winter, Country Director of Google

how you can join

sign up below

submit the form below to be listed on our website

submit below at any time

join the conversation

you'll receive sharing material to join the discussion around the future of leadership online

find themes here

get featured

selected leaders will get individual coverage in the lead magazine, throughout social media, and on this website

submission form

do you stand for a new era of leadership?

sign up below and join the conversation

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